Read this blog to learn how SIMPLY STRONG Helped Evelyn Rebuild Bone Density and Strength!
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Judy Staying Strong, Beats Cancer
Judy is truly remarkable. She has been a client at SIMPLY STRONG for seven years. When she first came in for her Introductory Session in 2015, she was 78 years old and her goals were to increase her strength and improve her energy. Within the first four months Judy...
Meet Roland & Marsha, Getting Stronger Together
Roland is 91 years old and Marsha is 80. Both have been coming twice-a-week for 2 months, and noticed better strength, better balance and walking. Marsha mentioned to me that her blood pressure improved when she saw the doctor and she knows it's because she has been...
Meet Bill, At 85 Years Old He Improved His Overall Strength By 104%
Bill has been coming to SIMPLY STRONG twice-a-week for strength training sessions for the past five years. He is currently 85 years old, takes care of his son (who has special needs) and plays golf each week, still able to out-drive his buddies. "I have been going to...
Meet Barb, At 83 Years Old She Improved Her Overall Strength By 103% in One Year
Few of us look forward to aging, because observation tells us that getting older means an inevitable decline into frailty and chronic disease. Sarcopenia is the medical term for age-related loss of muscle and strength. Sarcopenia was classified as a disease in 2016...
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San Diego, CA 92465
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant