Roland is 91 years old and Marsha is 80. Both have been coming twice-a-week for 2 months, and noticed better strength, better balance and walking. Marsha mentioned to me that her blood pressure improved when she saw the doctor and she knows it’s because she has been doing our SIMPLY STRONG strength training.
Here are Roland’s strength improvements since joining.
- Leg Strength: 125% increase
- Arm Strength: 79% increase
- Lower Back: 167% increase
- Neck: 164% increase
Whole body average = 134% Stronger
Here are Marsha’s strength improvements since joining.
- Leg Strength: 44% increase
- Arm & Chest Strength: 100% increase
- Lower Back: 167% increase
- Hips: 130% increase
Whole body average = 104% Stronger
Congratulations to both Roland and Marsha! Stay Strong Always! We look forward to helping you stay strong now and all of the years ahead!